Get in the loop with Mohawk

Earlier this month, North American paper manufacturer, Mohawk Fine Papers, launched a new line of eco-friendly papers. Described to us as Mohawk “to the next environmental level”, every new paper produced in this line is renewed, recycled and responsible. Offering the largest selection of 100% PCW options, this line makes it easier for designers and printers alike to do the right thing for the environment without sacrificing quality or selection.


–          Made with renewable energy and post-consumer fiber
–          Variety of shades are available (35 to be exact), from bright white to rich black
–          8 finishes, including unique “silk coated” finish (with 50% pcw to boot!)
–          The line is FSC-certified
–          Manufactured with Green-e certified windpower
–          Made carbon neutral
–          Packaged in environmentally responsible packaging materials.

… And the list goes on

Needless to say, this new line of papers is a great step towards making sustainable options easily available in the same quality one would expect from its more environmentally harmful counterpart.

Don’t just take our word for it – see for yourself. Order a free Mohawk Loop swatchbook.

(Read the Mohawk Loop press release here.)

We have the power. Wind Power!

At Green Books N Binders, our dedication to environmental sustainability extends beyond our product lines. So it’s only natural that we use wind power for our energy needs. More specifically, we work with PECO WINDsm , whose energy is supplied by Community Energy, Inc. located locally in Pennsylvania.

Globally speaking, while wind power generation has been quoted to have quadrupled from 2000-2006, many people are still uninformed as to what wind power really is and how it works.

To clarify this, in an excerpt from , “Wind is a clean source of renewable energy that produces no air or water pollution. And since wind is free, operational costs are nearly zero once a turbine is erected. Mass production and technology advances are making turbines cheaper, and many governments offer tax incentives to spur wind-energy development… In the energy-hungry United States, a single megawatt is enough electricity to power about 250 homes.”

As popularity and visibility increases, wind energy continues to experience rapid growth (wind turbine use increases by about 25% per year.) As of now, the United States ranks third for countries that have the most installed wind energy capacity. In fact, if the current growth rate continues, we can expect about 1/3 of the world’s electricity needs to be met by wind energy by 2050. Pretty incredible.

So what does this mean for the everyday consumer? By opting for wind power, you are helping to reduce air pollution. Wind is clean and creates energy without smoke or waste. Also, you’ll be helping to support your local community – investing in wind power creates jobs and generates revenue for local landowners. By investing in wind energy you will be helping the environment as well as your local community, it’s a win-win!

Harness the power of wind and do your part to reduce your carbon footprint. Contact your local energy company and inquire about their program.